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A business card in LaTeX, in PDF and PNG

Experiments - using a fake Magic card for a business card?

For April’s fool in 2021, I got a fun but stupid idea: what if I used an original format for my future business card, using a fake Magic the Gathering card, to present myself and give my contact information as well as profile picture?

How to design one?

There are a few websites online where you can design your own Magic the Gathering card, here are the two I tried and used:

How to print it?

First idea: trully home-made

Use a high-quality color printer, print to correct size on a regular paper, and use some school glue to stick your card to a real Magic card (preferably a forest, to remember people that these are essential for our survival!) ;

TODO: try!

Rich kid idea: a website that prints business card

I think it is the laziest solution, but also not a good one: it will be expensive (e.g., 16€ for 100 cards on VistaPrint), the cards won’t have the correct size, they won’t have a true Magic back, etc. Also, it’s not so ecological to order 100 when you will need only a few.

My own business card as a Magic© card

Here is the design I liked the most, after about 25 different designs I tried as prototypes of business card for myself:


Are you serious?

Not yet. Soon.

Does it work?

I guess so.

How does people react to this?

Let’s find out.