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A stupid LaTeX experiment to have a custom article.sty class that display page number as tiny Pokémons and not numbers


Experiment to have a LaTeX article class which includes a small Pokémon image, in every page (on the bottom right or left), instead of numbering with indexes!

How to use this

  1. First, don’t use this code, it’s stupid.
  2. Now, to use it:
    • Git clone this repository,
    • Copy the icons and pokemonnumbering.sty in your own directory, wherever you are writing your LaTeX document,
    • Use this LaTeX code in your own document:
      \usepackage{pokemonnumbering}  % default
    • After your introduction, abstract etc, when you want to start numbering your pages with Pokémon, use this LaTeX code:
    • And don’t write a document with more than 151 pages! I was lazy and only include the Pokémon from the first generation!
    • Compile with pdflatex, xelatex or luatex (it must support PNG images).


See any of these PDF files (not gitted, on my website):


Here are a few examples:






How I did that?

See pokemonnumbering.sty:

Others things:

For the demo document:


By default, the Pokémon images are inserted on the bottom right corner. The package can be loaded with an option:

:scroll: License ? GitHub license

MIT Licensed (file LICENSE). © Lilian Besson, 2018.

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