List of Badges, in Markdown
A list of badges, with their Markdown code, that can be included in a
file for a GitHub or Bitbucket project.
The same file for reStructuredText code is available here: README.rst.
Table of content
## Table of content - [List of Badges, in Markdown](#list-of-badges-in-markdown) - [Table of content](#table-of-content) - [Generic](#generic) - [Useful](#useful) - [Maintained?](#maintained) - [Website up/down](#website-updown) - [Feedback](#feedback) - [*"Ask me anything"* in English](#ask-me-anything-in-english) - [*"Demandez moi n'importe quoi"* in French](#demandez-moi-nimporte-quoi-in-french) - [Python related](#python-related) - [Jupyter Notebook](#jupyter-notebook) - [Google Collab](#google-collab) - [Binder](#binder) - [Go related](#go-related) - [Rust related](#rust-related) - [Markdown related](#markdown-related) - [LaTeX related](#latex-related) - [PyPI downloads](#pypi-downloads) - [PyPI version](#pypi-version) - [PyPI license](#pypi-license) - [PyPI format](#pypi-format) - [PyPI python versions](#pypi-python-versions) - [PyPI implementation](#pypi-implementation) - [PyPI status](#pypi-status) - [JavaScript related](#javascript-related) - [JSDelivr downloads](#jsdelivr--downloads) - [GNU Bash related](#gnu-bash-related) - [Microsoft Visual Studio Code related](#microsoft-visual-studio-code-related) - [Read the Docs status](#read-the-docs-status) - [GitHub related](#github-related) - [GitHub license](#github-license) - [GitHub versions/tags/commits](#github-versionstagscommits) - [GitHub downloads](#github-downloads) - [GitHub forks](#github-forks) - [GitHub stars](#github-stars) - [GitHub Stargazers over time](#github-stargazers-over-time) - [GitHub watchers](#github-watchers) - [GitHub followers](#github-followers) - [GitHub contributors](#github-contributors) - [GitHub issues](#github-issues) - [GitHub Pull Requests](#github-pull-requests) - [GitHub Make a Pull Requests](#github-make-a-pull-requests) - [GitHub version](#github-version) - [GitHub Profile](#github-profile) - [GitHub Stars Sparklines](#github-stars-sparklines) - [Bitbucket related](#bitbucket-related) - [Bitbucket issues](#bitbucket-issues) - [PackageControl related](#packagecontrol-related) - [Licenses](#licenses) - [MIT License](#mit-license) - [GPLv3 License](#gplv3-license) - [Unlicense](#unlicense) - [Creative Commons Licenses](#creative-commons-licenses) - [Simple Icons](#simple-icons) - [Open-Source](#open-source) - [Meta badges ?!](#meta-badges-) - [DOI and Zenodo](#doi-and-zenodo) - [DOI Citations](#doi-citations) - [Discord](#discord) - [Jetbrains](#jetbrains) - [Say thanks](#say-thanks) - [Custom Logo](#custom-logo) - [Random](#random) - [Ages 20-30...](#ages-20-30) - [Twitting](#twitting) - [Built by...](#built-by) - [Built with...](#built-with) - [Uses...](#uses) - [Fun](#fun) - [References ? :notebook:](#references--notebook) - [TODO :boom: ?](#todo-boom-) - [Issues :sweat_drops:](#issues-sweat_drops) - [Possible TODO? :light_rail:](#possible-todo-light_rail) - [License ? :scroll: ![GitHub license](](#license--scroll-)Generic
[![Generic badge](<SUBJECT>-<STATUS>-<COLOR>.svg)](
[![No Maintenance Intended](](
Website up/down
[![Website fakesite.invalid](](http://fakesite.invalid/)
“Ask me anything” in English
[![Ask Me Anything !](](
“Demandez moi n’importe quoi” in French
[![Demandez moi n'importe quoi !]('%20importe%20quoi-1abc9c.svg)](
Python related
[![forthebadge made-with-python](](
Jupyter Notebook
[![Made withJupyter](](
Google Collab
[![Open In Collab](](
Go related
[![forthebadge made-with-go](](
GitHub go.mod Go version (/github/go-mod/go-version/:user/:repo
[![GitHub go.mod Go version of a Go module](](
GoDoc reference (
[![GoDoc reference example](](
GoReportCard (
[![GoReportCard example](](
Rust related
[![forthebadge made-with-rust](](
Markdown related
LaTeX related
PyPI downloads
[![PyPI download month](](
[![PyPI download week](](
[![PyPI download day](](
PyPI version
[![PyPI version](](
[![PyPi version](](
[![PyPI version](](
PyPI license
[![PyPI license](](
[![PyPi license](](
PyPI format
[![PyPI format](](
PyPI python versions
[![PyPI pyversions](](
PyPI implementation
[![PyPI implementation](](
PyPI status
[![PyPI status](](
JavaScript related
JSDelivr downloads
[![JSDelivr CDN](<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>/badge?style=rounded)](<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>)
[![jsDelivr rank](](
Npm version
[![Npm package version](](
Npm downloads
[![Npm package yearly downloads](](
[![Npm package monthly downloads](](https://npmjs.ccom/package/express)
[![Npm package daily downloads](](
[![Npm package total downloads](](
[![Minimum node.js version](](
[![Npm package license](](
[![Npm package dependents](](
GNU Bash related
[![Bash Shell](](
NuGet related
[![NuGet stable version](](
[![NuGet pre version](](
[![NuGet latest version](](
Microsoft Visual Studio Code related
Read the Docs status
[![Documentation Status](](
GitHub related
GitHub license
[![GitHub license](](
[![GitHub license](](
GitHub branches
[![GitHub branches](](
GitHub versions/tags/commits
[![GitHub release](](
[![Latest release](](
[![GitHub tag](](
[![Github tag](](
[![GitHub commits](](
[![GitHub commits](](
[![GitHub latest commit](](
GitHub downloads
[![Github all releases](](
[![Github Releases (by release)](](
[![Github releases (by asset)](](
GitHub forks
[![GitHub forks](](
[![GitHub forks](](
GitHub stars
[![GitHub stars](](
[![GitHub stars](](
GitHub Stargazers over time
[![Stargazers over time](](
Github Contributors over time
[![Contributors over time](](
GitHub watchers
[![GitHub watchers](](
[![GitHub watchers](](
GitHub followers
[![GitHub followers](](
GitHub contributors
[![GitHub contributors](](
[![GitHub contributors](](
GitHub issues
[![GitHub issues](](
[![GitHub issues](](
[![GitHub issues-open](](
[![GitHub issues-closed](](
[![GitHub issues-closed](](
[![GitHub issues-open](](
[![Average time to resolve an issue](]( "Average time to resolve an issue")
[![Percentage of issues still open](]( "Percentage of issues still open")
GitHub Pull Requests
[![PR welcome issues still open](](
[![GitHub pull-requests](](
[![GitHub total-pull-requests](](
[![GitHub open-pull-requests](](
[![GitHub pull-requests closed](](
[![GitHub pull-requests closed](](
[![GitHub pull-requests merged](](
GitHub Make a Pull Requests
[![PRs Welcome](](
GitHub version
[![GitHub version](](
GitHub Profile
[![Naereen's github trophy](](
[![Naereen's github stats](](
[![Naereen's top languages](](
[![Naereen's github streak](](
[![Naereen's github activity graph](](
GitHub Stars Sparklines
GitLab related
Gitlab issues
[![GitLab issues open](](
[![GitLab issues closed](](
[![GitLab issues total](](
[![GitLab issues by label](]([]=Bug)
[![GitLab issues by label](]([]=Bug)
[![GitLab issues by label](]([]=Bug)
[![GitLab mrs](](
[![GitLab open mrs](](
[![GitLab closed mrs](](
[![GitLab merged mrs](](
[![GitLab branch](](
[![GitLab release](](
[![GitLab latest release](](
[![GitLab tags](](
[![GitLab commit count](](
[![GitLab last commit](](
Bitbucket related
Bitbucket issues
[![Bitbucket issues](](
PackageControl related
[![Package Control total downloads](](
[![Package Control month downloads](](
[![Package Control week downloads](](
[![Package Control day downloads](](
MIT License
[![MIT license](](
GPLv3 License
[![GPLv3 license](](
[![GPL license](](
Creative Commons Licenses
[![CC-0 license](](
[![forthebadge cc-0](](
[![licensebuttons by-nd](](
[![forthebadge cc-by-nd](](
[![licensebuttons by](](
[![forthebadge cc-by](](
[![licensebuttons by-nc-sa](](
[![forthebadge cc-nc-sa](](
[![licensebuttons by-nc](](
[![forthebadge cc-nc](](
[![licensebuttons by-sa](](
[![forthebadge cc-sa](](
The Creative Commons License Buttons site also provides a customizable way to access badges in various colours or sizes.
Simple Icons
Any badge can use a logo image by adding the
query parameter to the name of any logo suported by
Simple Icons.
[![Visual Studio](](
[![Visual Studio](](
[![Visual Studio Code](](
[![Open Source Love svg1](](
[![Open Source Love png1](](
[![Open Source Love svg2](](
[![Open Source Love png2](](
[![Open Source Love svg3](](
[![Open Source Love png3](](
[![Open Source? Yes!](](
Meta badges ?!
This is a badge to show that you like to put badges on your README:
[![Awesome Badges](](
DOI and Zenodo
This is a badge to link to a DOI:
DOI Citations
This badge is showing the number of citations of a paper / DOI from Google Scholar. Updated daily. See HowTo
[![Citation Badge](](
Discord Badges
[![Support Server](](
[![Support Server](](
[![C# Discord](](
[![C# Discord online members](](
Jetbrains Badges
[![official JetBrains project](](
[![JetBrains Plugins](](
Say thanks
A nice badge to give a link to (for example).