Make your own typeface from your handwriting!
- Download a PDF template to print and fill with a not too fin black pen,
- Scan it with DPI >= 300,
- Upload your beautiful handwriting to the webapp,
- It creates a TrueType font, and let you preview it,
- If you are happy, save it and start to use it!
- See this demo showing how a font generated with Fontify can look, on a website, a LaTeX document or slideshows, or slides made with Marp.
:boom: I will not try to run the app somewhere online.
:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: If you want to use Fontify, you need a laptop under Debian or Ubuntu (or maybe Mac OS X or a virtual machine under Microsoft Windows), with Python installed, and use the instructions explained below.
Here are a few screenshots of the webapp:
1. Print the template | 2. Upload the scanned template |
![]() |
![]() |
It generates the font and you can preview it |
![]() |
Development (only on Debian/Ubuntu)
- It only works on Python 2, so far (but I’m almost sure it would also work for Python 3).
- I will try to set up a Docker image to ease this experiment… maybe.
- First clone and
into the repository, fetch the third-party dependencies.
cd /tmp/
git clone
cd fontify
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Install all the dependencies.
sudo apt-get install potrace imagemagick fontforge fontforge-extras wkhtmltopdf python-opencv python-fontforge # try to use 'brew' on Mac OS X ?
npm install -g ttf2woff
sudo pip2 install --upgrade virtualenv
- Activate a virtualenv and start the app!
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
type pip python # check that this is the local ones
pip install -r requirements.txt
python # or 'make rundebug'
- And open the app to use it!
firefox &
Note: in “development mode”, the app is relaunched whenever a file is modified. Use
make run
to run “in production” mode. -
To open the app to anyone on Internet, you can use ngrok (:boom: and also, be crazy, as this app has NO GUARANTEE TO BE SECURE):
ngrok http 5000
- There is also a XeLaTeX file showing how to use a custom font in a LaTeX document, and here is how it looks.
:scroll: License ? 
This (small) repository is published under the terms of the MIT license (file LICENSE). © Lilian Besson, 2018.