OpenAI Gym for NES games + DQN with Keras to learn Mario Bros. from raw pixels
- An EXPERIMENTAL openai-gym wrapper for NES games.
- With a Double Deep Q Network to learn how to play Mario Bros. game from 1983.
You can use a
or apipenv
if you want to install the dependencies in an isolated environment.
- Use Python 3 only.
- Install openai-gym and keras with tensorflow backend (with
), andcv2
(OpenCV module, on Debian/Ubuntu,sudo pip install opencv-python
, see this SO question). - Install the
NES emulator and make surefceux
is in your$PATH
. In Debian/Ubuntu, you can simple usesudo apt install fceux
. Version 2 at least is needed. - Find a
ROM for Mario Bros. game (any dump for the Nintendo NES will do). Save it tosrc/roms/mario_bros.nes
. - Copy state files from
to your~/.fceux/fcs/
(faster loading for the beginning of the game).
Example usage
For instance to load the Mario Bros. environment:
# import nesgym to register environments to gym
import nesgym
env = gym.make('nesgym/MarioBros-v0')
obs = env.reset()
for step in range(10000):
action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
... # your awesome reinforcement learning algorithm is here
Examples for training dqn
An implementation of dqn is in src/dqn
, using keras.
You can train dqn model for Atari with
and for NES with
Integrating new NES games?
You need to write two files:
- a lua interface file,
- and an openai gym environment class (python) file.
The lua file needs to get the reward from emulator (typically extracting from a memory location), and the python file defines the game specific environment.
For an example of lua file, see src/lua/soccer.lua
; for an example of gym env file, see src/nesgym/
This website gives RAM mapping for the most well-known NES games, this is very useful to extract easily the score or lives directly from the NES RAM memory, to use it as a reward for the reinforcement learning loop. See for instance for Mario Bros..
Training Atari games
Training NES games
Mario Bros. game
Thatβs new!
Architecture of the DQN playning mario:
Overview of the experimentation with 3 emulators:
Soccer game
:scroll: License ? 
This (small) repository is published under the terms of the MIT license (file LICENSE). Β© Lilian Besson, 2018.